BoldDesk Ticketing System
  • 02 Nov 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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BoldDesk Ticketing System

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Article summary

Bold Desk Ticketing System for Clients


Main Page


  1. Search Tickets – This option allows the requester to search for a ticket
  2. Create Ticket Button – Select this option to create a new ticket
  3. Initials – Click the circle that contains your initials to view your user profile
  4. Export Button – This option will allow the requester to export a list of tickets
  5. Columns Button – This option will allow the requester to define the columns that will display in the ticket list
  6. Status Drop-Down – This drop-down allows the requester to filter the ticket list by status
  7. Ticket Link – This link allows the requester to refresh the page
  8. Ticket Area – will show tabs for the requester’s tickets, tickets the requester is CC’d on, and all the tickets within their organization


Search Tickets


The ticket Search allows the requester to search for the Ticket by typing in the ID of the ticket or typing the title of the ticket as displayed in the screenshot above.


Export Button


When the “Export Button” is clicked on the main page the pop-up screen below appears. In this pop-up the requester can Export as Excel or CSV file, entered a Created Date range, and select what fields they want to display. Once all information is selected, the requester will click the “Export” button.

Note: A maximum of 1,000 records will be exported, and the date and time format will be in UTC.



The results will then export to Excel


Columns Button


When this button is clicked a list of columns will display. The requester can select columns to display in the ticket list by checking/unchecking boxes. Once the selections are completed click “OK”.


Status Drop-Down Filter


The requester can sort the ticket list by one status or multiple by clicking on one of the statuses in the drop-down.


Ticket Area


This area displays a list of all the tickets. 

1.    My Tickets – Displays all the tickets the requester created

Tickets I’m CC’d On – Displays the tickets requester is CC’d on

My Organizations Tickets - Displays all tickets created by the requester’s organization

2.    Page Number – This shows the current page number

3.    Page of Page – This shows the current page and total number of pages

4.    Select ticket ID or Subject to display the ticket details



Creating a Ticket within Bold Desk


Click the “Create Ticket” button to create a new ticket.


  1. Subject – This is where the requester will enter the subject of the ticket
  2. Description – The requester will put a detailed description of the issue, error, or question they have is. The requester can also add screenshots within the description.
  3. Files Area – The requester can drag and drop files or can click on the “Browse” link. Note: the ticket allows to upload a file of 20 MB
  4. CCs – This area is where a requester can CC other team members to be added on the ticket
  5. Category – This is the Category that ticket will be associated with. This is where you will select either Customer Support if you require assistance or Feature Request for a change to be considered for a future release
  6. Type – This drop-down lets the requester select what area of the system the issue, error, or question is about
  7. Create – Once the ticket is filled out click this button to create the ticket
  8. Cancel – by clicking this button the ticket request will be canceled
  9. Stay on Page – This check box allows the requester to stay on the add screen, so if the requester clicks the “Create” button to add another ticket they will stay on the current page
  10. Less than Sign “<” – this sign which is located next to the “Create Ticket” title allows the requester to go back to the Main page

Once the ticket has been Created the Requester will be taken to the Details Screen of the ticket.



  1. Reply Button & Message Text Box – To reply to a ticket click the “Reply” button in the upper right and the Message Text Box will display. Another way to reply is to type in the Add Message text box. Once the requester has added a response, they can click one of the buttons below
    1. Update – This button will update the ticket
    2. Update & Closed – This button will update and then close the ticket
    3. Cancel – This will cancel the message
  2. Ticket Info – in this area to the right the requester can see the info of the ticket
  3. Close Ticket – This button allows the requester to close the ticket. If the requester wants to reopen a ticket, contact CobbleStone® Customer Support for assistance
  4. My Tickets – This blue link allows the requester to go back to the main page

When a ticket is created the Requester will receive the Bold Desk support email below

The requester can respond using this email with any updates, questions, or to add attachments as shown below.

 Video Review



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