CobbleStone University Certification Program
  • 07 Nov 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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CobbleStone University Certification Program

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Article summary

CobbleStone® Software is proud to introduce the CobbleStone® University Certification Program (CUCP)! The program will strengthen and verify our Partner Network’s and clients' expertise in CobbleStone® Contract Insight® Enterprise. Earning CUCP certification is not mandatory for Partners will grant the designation of CobbleStone®Certified Partner. CUCP certification is optional for clients and will grant the designation of Certified Contract Admin

CobbleStone® Software has partnered with BadgeCert, Inc. to offer secure and verifiable Digital Badges to our recipients. Digital Badges are shareable on social networks, resumes, email signatures, websites, and marketing campaigns.

In today’s digital world, professionals want the option to share their credentials online. Digital badges are used in professional and social networking environments to recognize achievements and establish credibility in real time with a single click.

CUCP is segmented into five core units (six for CobbleStone® Partners) for System Administrators which follow a "watch, read, assess" learning model. Participants can watch videos (or attend live Training Sessions), read the User Manual content for reinforcement, and then take the CUCP Assessments. Feel encouraged to check your system or the learning materials while taking the Assessments. Participants must pass all Assessments to complete certification. Those that pass will be sent a digital badge to recognize the accomplishment and to share across social media platforms! 

Unit 1

Unit 1 covers fundamentals and starting points for managing/configuring CobbleStone® Contract Insight. In this Unit, Admins will learn about logging in, the general navigation of the system, and the general user interface. Managing and searching for records is also explored in Unit 1 - including Departments, Employee Management, and more. These are key areas to setting the system up for success. The last section of Unit 1 covers Field Management - a vital section for managing the data tracked in CobbleStone® Contract Insight. 

To explore these areas, please refer to the following links:

Login, General Navigation, & Screen Layout

Managing and Searching for Records

Field Management

To take your Unit 1 Assessment, please click here

Unit 2

Unit 2 expands upon Unit 1 to cover more advanced core features of CobbleStone® Contract Insight. The Unit begins with Request Records, which are informal records that must be accepted/rejected by a Review Group before converted into a formal Contract Record (or other record type). In addition, Ad-Hoc Reports and Dashboards are discussed at length in this Unit. Ad-hoc Reports are CobbleStone®'s primary reporting tool, and can be used to summarize most system data. Dashboards are the configurable home page of the system and can be set for different departments or roles/groups.

To learn about these areas, please refer to the following links: 


Employee Management

Reporting & Dashboards

To take your Unit 2 Assessment, please click here

Unit 3

Unit 3 covers more advanced optional features of core CobbleStone® Contract Insight - Workflow and Document Templates. Workflow can help automate a record's lifecycle and generate conditional record notifications, updates, etc. Next, Document Templates allow new contracts/documents to easily be created from standardized templates. System data can often be merged conditionally to create more dynamic and flexible Document Templates. 

To learn about these areas, please refer to the following links: 


Document Templates

To take your Unit 3 Assessment, please click here.

Unit 4

Unit 4 is a more advanced section for System Administrators. Unit 4 explores Permissions and Security Groups to define the abilities of Users in the system. Next, the Data Import Manager allows Admins to bulk import legacy data in Contract Insight or perform bulk system updates. Unit 4 also explores Application Configuration - a series of pages for Admins to manage settings and various other "back end" pages. This section is more nuanced and advanced but can be useful for advanced Users. Finally, Unit 4 talks covers complimentary system plugin options that integrate CobbleStone® Contract Insight with Microsoft Word and Outlook.

To learn about these areas, please refer to the following links:

Security Groups

Data Importing

Application Configuration

Helper Applications

To take your Unit 4 Assessment, please click here.

Unit 5

Unit 5 covers a myriad of miscellaneous features of CobbleStone® Contract Insight. These features are often optional-supplemental features, but are helpful to review for a full understanding of the core system. See below for the Unit 5 sections: 

Decision Matrices/Surveys & Questionnaires

Risk Analysis


Notification Templates

To take your Unit 5 Assessment, please click here.

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