Installation Overview
  • 10 Nov 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Installation Overview

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Article summary

The installation process for Contract Insight will consist of 3 parts with several steps in each. 

Part 1: SQL

You will need to set up your SQL Server to hold all of the record data in your system that you will be managing with Contract Insight. To do this you will need to verify that you have the correct System Requirements. Then you will need to install the program SQL Server. Then you will set up your SQL CobbleStone® Database.

Part 2: IIS

Next you will need to set up your IIS Server to run the web component. Again you will verify that you have the correct System Requirements. Then you will Install IIS. Then you will need to edit your Web Config files to make sure your web component connects to the SQL database. Then you will make sure your SSL Certification from a Trusted Authority is installed correctly so the system works correctly with the security components.

Part 3: CobbleStone® Application

After SQL and IIS are set up, you will go through the different processes that enable CobbleStone®'s email, alert, and online document editing services work correctly: Scheduled Jobs Keep Alive , Windows Task Scheduling, and Text Control Service. Finally, you will make sure that Contract Insight is included in your Database Backups/Disaster Recovery Procedures.

Fast Facts

Below are some important notes to consider regarding the installation process:

  • You can have SQL and IIS on the same server if you choose to. 
  • It is our best practices that you have both a Test and Production environment. Test is best used to try new features, workflows, tasks, etc. before going live in Production. It also allows the chance to test new functionality in CobbleStone® before going live. If the Test system is on a different server, the specs should be exactly how they are set in your Production environment. If they are not a mirror image of each other, you will not be getting a true test of the functionality working correctly.
  • Deployed client is responsible for all SQL Backups and setting up their own Disaster recovery. THIS LINK from Microsoft will explain why and how to back up your SQL server.
  • SQL Server 2019 or higher will work with our software.
  • 4.8.1 ASP.NET Framework needs to be installed on SQL server for our SQL Installer. THIS LINK will take you to the official download page.
  • Database must have Full Text indexing and Mixed Mode installed. This is covered in the SQL Server Install page of this guide. 
  • 2 databases will be set up. Contractinsight and Contractinsight_hangfire. Contractinsight database contains all the proprietary data. 
  • Contractinsight_hangfire database does not need to be backed up it just runs background processes.
  • 4.8.1 ASP.NET framework or higher must be installed on the IIS server. THIS LINK will take you to the official download page.
  • 2013 C++ Redistributable (64) must be installed on IIS Server (Exact Version). THIS LINK will take you to the official download page.
  • 20 GB of Dedicated memory/resources need to be in place on both server’s minimum. Memory/Dedicated resources is not based on volume of users but volume of information in the database and processes being used.
  • requires an SSL Cert on the IIS server. Must be fully trusted not self-signed. LINK (Microsoft Trusted Root Certification) 
  • CobbleStone®’s PC Helper tools require our API. All communication with API needs to be over https 443.
  • CobbleStone® uses a Text Control Service that needs to connect to Port 4279 THIS LINK contains a demo/more information about the Text Control Service.
  • IIS Role Services must be installed prior to your install call with our team.
  • Must support TLS 1.2 or 1.3 
  • At least 100 GB of free disk space after the installation of the OS and IIS. 
  • CobbleStone® Software application sends emails. 
  • CobbleStone® Software application will need to set up 3 Task schedulers (scheduled Job, OCR, and Hangfire) that will need a service account with local admin rights and a password that does not expire. These will be created on the install call. THIS LINK will take you to the Windows Task Scheduling section of the installation process.
  • If your company uses load balancing (this is not something that CobbleStone® sets up) it must be a persistent session. If it is not and the user logs in on server A and then switches pages and that page brings them to server B they will be logged out due to our security not recognizing the session they initially logged in as being different. This is due to our Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack security.
  • Understand that as our application evolves our specs may increase or change.

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