22.1.2 - Connector: External E-Sign Integrations
  • 15 Aug 2023
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22.1.2 - Connector: External E-Sign Integrations

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Article summary

Optional Add-On Connector that provides your organization with the capability of electronic/digital signing of documents/contracts. Currently this connector is configured for integrations with DocuSign, Adobe Sign, and DocJuris.


NEW FEATURE: Adobe Sign as Signing Engine
Reference #: 230811.595.506

There is a new configuration setting in the General Group of the Document Authoring Section to set a Signing Engine for IntelliSign and the document collaboration process. The options are the default IntelliSign or Adobe Sign if licensed

When Adobe Sign is selected as the signing engine, the Adobe Signing process will be used when selecting an IntelliSign, IntelliSign from Merged Document Template, or New Signature Process from Merged Template. The process will function in the same manner as the regular Adobe Sign connector. Users will be able to tell if Adobe Sign is selected as the signing engine by the header of the page:

How will this affect users?

If Adobe Sign is selected as the Signing Engine, users will be able to use Adobe Sign for their signature processes.


ENHANCEMENT:  DocuSign Message Box Size
Reference #: 230811.489.1116

The Text editor for the DocuSign Envelope has been increased in size to comfortably read/write longer messages.

How will this affect users?
The text editor is now at a good size for comfortably reading/writing messages. 

ENHANCEMENT:  Updated UI for Adobe Esign CreateAgreement Page
Reference #: 230811.595.1124 

Our Adobe External E-Sign Create Agreement pages have had UI updates to provide a faster process and a more modern look. 


RESOLUTION: Agreement Rejection During Peak Hours
Reference #: 230811.595.1124

Users had noticed Agreements being rejected by the system during peak hours. A change was made, and agreements should be sent for signature as expected.

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