VISDOM Assist Chat Bot
  • 22 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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VISDOM Assist Chat Bot

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Article summary

VISDOM Assist is the new chatbot assistant within Contract Insight. This initial release of VISDOM Assist is able to answer general questions for users around Contract Insight, Contracts, Contract Clauses, and other related information and directly link users to the different record creation areas, and show their latest reports. When VISDOM+ is also licensed, users will have the additional ability to draft clauses for users and add it to the Clause Library, ask system-related questions with responses powered by OpenAI including questions about applicable laws and compliance regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, and OFAC.  

A View History link is available at the top of VISDOM Assist. Non-System Admin users will be able to search their own chat history within a given date range while System Admin users will be able to review the chat history for any selected user within their system.

To show or hide VISDOM Assist for all of their users, System Admins can go to the Application Configuration settings under General Settings and toggle the "Hide VISDOM Assist icon" config setting to Yes (to hide VISDOM Assist) or No (to show VISDOM Assist).  

Keep an eye on future releases for additional VISDOM+ related features within the VISDOM Assist chatbot!

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