Viewing, Filtering & Sorting Company List
  • 26 Jan 2024
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Viewing, Filtering & Sorting Company List

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Article summary

Viewing, Filtering & Sorting the Company List   

Vendor/Company List: Viewing, Filtering, and Sorting

Contract Insight enables users to view and edit the company list (provided the user has the appropriate administrative permissions to edit).

1. Navigate to Companies > Company List.

Company List on Main Menu

2. The Vendor & Company List screen displays a list of all companies in the system.

Filtering the Company List

1. To filter the Company List, enter a keyword(s) into the text-box for the column from which to filter.

2. Click the filter icon and select the means of filtering based on the keyword(s) entered.

Company Name Filter

3. To remove the filter, click the filter icon and select the No Filter option.

Sorting the Company List

1. Click the column name by which to sort by.

a. Click once to sort in ascending sort order.
b. Click a second time to sort in descending sort order.
c. Click a third time to remove the sort order from the Company List.

2. A sort order can be applied to as many columns as needed.

Company Name Column





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