  • 30 Jan 2024
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Article summary

To use signNow on a document, find it in your record's Files/Attachments section. Click on the document toolbox next to your desired document.

File Attachment, Toolbox

You have two options with signNow. You can create a new signNow agreement in CobbleStone®, or associate an existing agreement sent through signNow with your CobbleStone® record.

Associate existing agreement

If you choose to associate an existing agreement, you will be taken to a page that contains the pending agreements you have sent out via signNow. Select your desired agreement and click Save to associate it with your record.

Select document to associate with signNow

Create New Agreement in CobbleStone®

If you choose to create a new a new agreement in CobbleStone®, you will be taken to a page where you can select documents. The document you chose to trigger this process will already be selected on this page. You can add more documents or deselect the original document you had chosen.

Select Multiple Documents  to upload

Next you will be asked to select the recipients for your signNow agreement.

Select Recipients to Assign to the document

Add Employee - Add an Employee from your Contract Insight system.

Add Contact - Add a Company Contact from your Contract Insight system.

Add Recipient - Write a name and email address

After recipients are selected you are taken to a page that allows you to set your E-Signature placeholder locations, write the Email that will accompany your signature process and confirm recipients.

Create Email to accompany document to sign

Verify Recipients as Signers or viewers to the document

There are four Signature fields:

Signature, Date, Text, and Initials

eSignature process to place placeholders for individuals to sign the document

After your agreement has been sent, you are taken to a Record Status page that allows you to track the status of your signature process. Clicking the arrow next to the file name displays the participants in the signing process and their status in the signing process.

Information of when Document was sent, and the status of the signature process

When everyone has signed and the process is complete, you have 4 options. You can attach all documents to the parent record and include the history log, Attach all documents without the history log, Mark the process as complete and attach documents manually, or choose to do nothing and allow the auto import process to attach the documents.

Options once Signature process is completed, options to attach document to record

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