- Core System: Contract Insight
  • 24 Mar 2023
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Article summary

The Core System provides Contract Insight’s core components and functionality for full lifecycle management of your organization’s contracts and committals.


ENHANCEMENT: Grids and Reports Now Export as .xlsx files
Reference #: 230323.486.33 

All grids and reports that previously exported as .xls files will now export as .xlsx files. This enhancement also resolved various concerns with ad-hoc reports such as the record ID column needing to be visible to show the View link on the report.

How will this affect users?

Exports will now be in a file format that is more versatile, reliable, efficient and secure.

ENHANCEMENT: New Options for Main and Side Menus
Reference #: 230323.489.853 

There is a new configuration setting to allow the old legacy main menu to replace the new “Waffle” menu. There is also a new pin feature to allow a user to pin the Page Actions Menu for ease of use when trying to perform various actions in the system.

The Main Menu configuration option can be found in Initial Setup. To have the legacy top menu that displays as a bar across the top of the page, set the Top Menu Configuration Setting to True. To use the new Waffle Menu, set it to False.  

To keep the Side Menu open, click the new Pin Icon on the side menu.

How will this affect users?

Users now have more options to configure the menus in ways that are most useful to them.

ENHANCEMENT: Workflow Auto Close Field Updates
Reference #: 230323.362.867 

A new configuration setting was added related to Auto Close Tasks. When the setting is enabled, the user assigned to an auto close task with a field update is attributed to the record's Updated By field. When disabled again, the field update is attributed to the System (left empty) 

This new setting can be found in the Initial Setup menu, under the name Tasks - Record Updates Attribution

How will this affect users?

Users can more easily track who auto-close tasks were assigned to.


RESOLUTION: Save & Preview Button Creates Multiple ID Columns
Reference #: 230323.588.810 

When creating a report from one of the main tables of the system and adding the ID field, users would click the Save & Preview Filters button and a duplicate ID field was populated in the Filters & Conditions page. This has now been corrected so only one ID field shows when saving your filters & conditions.

RESOLUTION:  Grids and Reports Now Export as .xlsx files
Reference #: 230323.486.33 

Users noted that, on Ad-Hoc Reports, a record ID column was required to show on the report for the View link to be visible when the report was run. This has been addressed so the record ID column can be set to not show on the report but still shows the View column on the run report.

RESOLUTION: Apostrophe in Notification Template Would Cause Crash
Reference #: 230323.486.857 

When adding an apostrophe to a Notification Template Subject/Body users were prompted with an issue report. This has been resolved to handle the apostrophe on save of the Template Subject/Body.

RESOLUTION:  Adobe File Previewer - Large Files Causing Load Issues
Reference #: 230323.439.865

Upon uploading a file to the Files/Attachments section of a record if the file was large enough sometimes it wouldn't load. This has been corrected and a loader icon has been added to help show the file loading.

RESOLUTION: MS Word Online Add-In Update
Reference #: 230323.563.875

Some users were unable to connect to their Contract Insight System through the Word Online Add-In. A fix has been put into place so users can connect to Contract Insight through the Add-In as expected.

RESOLUTION: VISDOM® Clause Training Data Entry
Reference #: 230323.362.888 

When users added clauses to the VISDOM training data, the newly added clause was not visible in the UI. A fix was made and now clauses added to training data should be visible as expected.

RESOLUTION: Spell Check Option Visible But Unusable on Online Editor
Reference #: 230323.439.860 

The spell check features on the Online Editor were hidden until they can be fully supported in a future version.

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