Overview-Version 22.2.0 One Page Summary
  • 02 May 2024
  • 19 Minutes to read
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Overview-Version 22.2.0 One Page Summary

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Article summary

Release Version Information

The high-level information regarding this version is detailed below:

Release Version NumberClient Release DateRelease Type (from prior release)
22.2.0 (Rev 240412)12 April 2024Update

For CobbleStone Software version 22.2.0, New Feature(s), Enhancement(s), and/or Resolution(s) were added to the following areas:  

  • Core System: Contract Insight
  • Module: Document Collaboration & E-Signature
  • Module: E-Sourcing/Procurement Management
  • Module: Purchase Order Management
  • Module: Vendor/Client Collaboration Gateway
  • Connector: Single Sign-On (SSO) Authentication
  • Connector: External E-Sign Integrations
  • Aggregated Data Feed Services


The Core System provides Contract Insight’s core components and functionality for full lifecycle management of your organization’s contracts and committals.

NEW FEATURE: Legal Hold Admin Management Screen
Reference #: 240412.365.312

Legal Hold has received a new configuration page to allow management of changes that would be allowed to be performed within a record. Now Admin users can navigate to the Legal Hold Configuration Page found in Manage/Setup, and can make changes on what information is allowed to be changed or ran while a record is on legal hold. Administrators can also assign non-admin users the permission to perform legal holds on records. 

Note: Users assigned the permission through security groups and admin license individuals must be updated through the user permissions page and can not be given the permission through the Legal Hold Configuration page

How will this affect users?

More control is available in configuration of what happens when a record is placed under a legal hold, and who can enact a legal hold.

Reference #: 240412.360.131

VISDOM as a Service (AKA VISDOM Services) is a port of the current ML/NLP functionality from individual Contract Insight instances to a central service.  This move allows CobbleStone to maintain a single repository of NLP training data which can be used by Contract Insight and other callers via the services API.  Providing services via a central API minimizes dependency on Contract Insight versions and allow us to implement new functionality at the server level, making it available to all clients at once without the need to update applications.  

In addition to centralizing the repository, the training data has also been improved so that VISDOM can recognize more clauses from specific contracts types.  

VISDOM Services also offers two new concepts -  Virtual Taxonomies and Data Points.   These new features are designed to improve clause recognition and reduce configuration.   

Contract Insight will automatically create and authorize a VISDOM as a Service account for paid Customers and Trials.

More information can be found HERE

How will this affect users?

Users should experience improved performance and accuracy, as well as reduced configuration time when using VISDOM.

NEW FEATURE: Field Masks
Reference #: 240412.1157.2064

We have added the ability to apply a masking format to fields that appear on all Add, Edit, and Display screens. In addition to this we have given users the ability to create field masking formats within the Field Manager.

To create a field mask, find Manage Field Masks in the Field Manager section of the Main Menu

Administrators can enter a name and format for their desired mask. For example, you can create a Phone Number Mask in the ###-###-#### Format

Field Masks can be applied to New or Existing Textbox Fields:

Group Separators are available for Integer, Decimal, and Decimal4 fields. You can choose either no separator or a comma. For example: 1000 or 1,000.

Decimal Separators are available for Decimal and Decimal4 Fields. You can choose either a period or a comma. For example: 3.14 or 3,14

How will this affect users?

Users will have more control over the input display of certain textbox fields and the display of numeric fields.

NEW FEATURE: Bulk Survey Modifications
Reference #: 240412.365.1716

We have added the Record Title and ID to a Bulk Survey process within the Core system. Once you open the email invitation for the survey you will see the information below.

With this change we have also added a column to the My Assigned Surveys page called Record. This will make it easier to navigate back to the Record you have a Survey assigned.

How will this affect users?

This change will make it easier to know what record you are currently working in when responding to a Bulk Survey.


ENHANCEMENT: Update Learning Videos link in the Help menu
Reference #: 240412.1142.1608

The Learning Videos Link in the CobbleStone University subsection of the Help Menu now lead to our YouTube Playlist for our CobbleStone University Learning Videos.

How will this affect users?

Users will now be able to easily get to our YouTube playlist to access the CobbleStone University Learning Videos.

ENHANCEMENT:  Create configuration setting for Text Control service
Reference #: 240412.345.1648

We have created a configuration setting to allow users to point to an IP Address and Port where the Text Control (Online Editor) Service is running in order to help improve performance. Leaving this setting blank will use the local version. 

How will this affect users?
Users will be able to store the IP and port for an externally running Text Control service.

ENHANCEMENT:  Top Blue Bar Responsiveness Improvements
Reference #: 240412.386.1710

The Top Blue Bar on the page has had it's responsiveness improved at different screen sizes.

How will this affect users?
The top bar should look better for users working at different browser or screen sizes.

ENHANCEMENT:  Disclaimer on Filters & Conditions to Run Ad-Hoc Report to see full results
Reference #: 240412.932.430

When managing Filters & Conditions for Ad-Hoc Reports and Legacy Reports users were only seeing 250 results and had  thought this was the full result of their report. We have added a disclaimer that you need to run the report to see the full results.

How will this affect users?
This change will help users know when they are not seeing the full report because of editing conditions associated with the Report.

ENHANCEMENT:  Expanding Bulk Add popup window
Reference #: 240412.386.2727

When clicking Add Bulk the menu was showing white space where more table could be expanded to include more fields. This has been adjusted to fully extend to the size of the window.

How will this affect users?
This change will make it easier for users to see more data on the screen when using the Bulk Add for a subtable.

ENHANCEMENT:  Moved Vendor/Client Gateway Configuration folder up to the Field Manager section
Reference #: 240412.386.1710

The Vendor/Client Gateway Configuration folder has been moved to the Field Manager folder for more consistency on field editing within the system.

How will this affect users?
This change will make it easier for users to understand where they can configure all fields whether it be in Core or in the Gateway.

ENHANCEMENT:  Copy Security Group
Reference #: 240412.386.1710

We have added the ability to Copy an existing Security Group to be used in the creation of another Security Group.

How will this affect users?
This change will make it easier for users when creating Security Groups that share similar rule sets and would like to make minor adjustments.

ENHANCEMENT:  Workflow UI Improvements
Reference #: 240412.386.1710

The Workflow UI has been improved when navigating to the Workflow Task screen the Manage icons have been moved to the far left for easier access to the user. We have also made this change to the Alerts tab for consistency. There was also some changes to pop-ups when adding a task and the message that is displayed from that action.

How will this affect users?
This change will make it easier for users to add and edit workflow tasks.

ENHANCEMENT:  New System Workflows
Reference #: 240412.360.4460

New System Workflows were created to welcome new users and new System Admins. These workflows will send a greeting with links that will be helpful to new users or new admins in understanding the CobbleStone system.

How will this affect users?
This change will make it easier for users to find resources to help them navigate and understand their CobbleStone Systems and improve their user experience.

ENHANCEMENT:  File Category field from Files/Attachments table shown in file/attachment search results as columns
Reference #: 240412.365.1845

A file's category will now show on the grid on the quick search page:

How will this affect users?
This change will make it easier for users to find specific files they are looking for on the quick search page.

ENHANCEMENT:  Auto Redline Processing - Popup
Reference #: 240412.360.4236

Auto Redlining has received a UI change so it is more of a flow when starting the process and when it is finished. Now users can view what was replaced in their document by clicking the View Log button. Users can also Return to Toolbox or return to the details screen with these new buttons.

How will this affect users?
This change will make it easier for users to track the flow of the Auto Redlining Process.


RESOLUTION: Conditional Fields not being checked properly on initial load of Add Pages
Reference #: 240412.345.2023

When using a Conditional Field with a default value it was not being checked upon initial load. This has been corrected so the Conditional Field will be checked on load and when modified on the Add Page.

RESOLUTION:  Clicking View on Bulk Survey Dashboard results in no permission to view
Reference #:  240412.345.3325

When clicking View on a completed Survey from the Bulk Survey Dashboard, System Admins would be able to edit responses from already submitted Surveys. This has been corrected so the only responses they can edit are their own.

RESOLUTION:  Custom Task Statuses not showing on Side Menu
Reference #: 240412.337.1926

When approving/rejecting tasks any user created task statuses were not populating. This has been corrected so user created statuses will populate on tasks for users.

RESOLUTION:  Company Survey on Core Error with Admin and Standard License
Reference #: 240412.1092.3028

Performing a Company Survey on Core with an Admin or Standard license type was failing on submittal. This has been corrected so you can submit your Survey for a Company on Core with an Admin or Standard license type.

RESOLUTION:  Notes Subtable is not updating the Date Updated field
Reference #: 240412.1092.3592

When adding a note to a Solicitation or a Request if the user scrolled back up to the top of the page the Date Updated field was not updating. Now when you add a note if you check the Date Updated field it will update.

RESOLUTION:  Attachments file names exceeding width of the box
Reference #: 240412.1157.3544

When uploading attachments or modifying the name of the attachment if it was to long it was exceeding the width of the box. This has been corrected so the text will be cut out if the name is exceeding the limit.

RESOLUTION:  Child Field of 'OR' operator types does not hide when Parent Field selected as --Select One--
Reference #: 240412.932.3566

Clients had noticed that a field that was a child field of a drop down field that used the OR condition would not re-hide on the Record Add Screen when the parent field was set back to --Select One--. A fix was made and now fields should show and hide as expected.

RESOLUTION:  Adding a Calendar to both sides of the dock results in error
Reference #: 240412.1092.3976

When selecting a Calendar dock on the left or right side of the screen if a user went back in and tried to add a second Calendar the user would be given an error. This has been adjusted by removing the Calendar option after it has been used as a dock.

RESOLUTION:  Duplication of Vendor Records using Inline Add
Reference #: 240412.1092.2692

When creating a new Vendor on the Add Screens using the Blue Plus users were experiencing duplicate records being created upon clicking Save more than once. It has been changed so you can only click the Save button once.

RESOLUTION:  Access Level on Files/Attachments is not switching files to Gateway
Reference #: 240412.1157.3522

Users had noticed that when setting a file's Access Level to Gateway or Public on a Company Record, it would not maintain that level when uploaded. A fix was made and now files should show the correct access level on upload to a Company Record.

RESOLUTION:  Decimal appearing in Budget Line Item
Reference #: 240412.932.2617

When viewing Contracts Budget/Funding Line Items fields that were integers were displaying as decimals. This has been corrected so the numbers display as integers.

RESOLUTION:  Escalated Task not using same email template as Workflow Task notification
Reference #: 240412.365.2920

The notifications for an escalated task were not using the same email template as the workflow task itself. This has been corrected to use the same template for the emails.

RESOLUTION:  Unable to Access to Contract Metadata
Reference #: 240412.349.4550

Some clients had linked contract records that were displaying error messages at the top of the page and falsely displaying as locked via legal hold. A fix was applied to prevent this from happening.


Optional Add-On Module for the collaboration of documents between internal and external users/participants. This module utilizes E-Approval (Electronic Approval) and/or E-Signature (Electronic Signature) processing to support full online negotiation via a secure online portal.

NEW FEATURE: Notification of Changes to a Document Template
Reference #: 240412.1157.487

A new feature has been added to the Document Collaboration. When modifying a Document Template users have the ability to receive an email based on if a user updates the Title, Clause, and Attachments of the Document Template. We have added three configuration settings located in the Document Collaboration configuration group. When enabled these settings will send emails depending on if the Title, Clause, and Attachments of the Document Template were updated.

How will this affect users?
This change will help users understand when something is adjusted on one of their templates, allowing better management of their Document Templates.


ENHANCEMENT:  Use Employee Dropdown field type to select Employee
Reference #: 240412.433.1506

Document Templates and Third Party Paper Templates can now be configured to allow any Employee Dropdown Field to be used as an Approver or Signer in a Template approval or signature process.

How will this affect users?
This will allow users to use and Employee Drop Down Box field to be used for a Document Package, Internal Document, or Third Party Paper template.


RESOLUTION: Signature Placeholders move when starting a Signature Process
Reference #: 240412.345.1979

Some clients had found that when signing documents if they set the zoom to 200% then dragged the placeholder, expanded it and then changed the zoom to 100%, the placeholder would move. A fix was made and placeholders should behave as expected between zooms.


Optional Add-On Module for the creation, management, tracking and monitoring of the lifecycle of E-Sourcing, Solicitations, Procurements, Bids, RFxs (RFIs, RFPs, RFQs) and more.

ENHANCEMENT:  Assign Respondents button added to the top of Solicitation Details
Reference #: 240412.932.2272

Assign Respondents button has been added to the top of the Solicitation Details Screen.

How will this affect users?
This change will make it easier for users to understand how to add a Vendor to a Solicitation record.

ENHANCEMENT: Line Item Bids Split from Reverse Auction
Reference #: 240412.337.4355

Line item bids can now be separated from Reverse Auctions. To mark a solicitation as a Line Item Bid without Reverse Auction Functionality, make sure the Is Line Item Bid field is present on the record and set that field to Yes. Set the Line Item Bid/Reverse Auction Field to No.

How will this affect users?
This change will allows for line item bids on solicitations without Reverse Auctions/exposing lowest bidder to vendors on the gateway.


RESOLUTION:  Notes Subtable is not updating the Date Updated field
Reference #: 240412.1092.3592

When adding a note to a Solicitation or a Request if the user scrolled back up to the top of the page the Date Updated field was not updating. Now when you add a note if you check the Date Updated field it will update. 


Optional Add-On Module for the creation, management, tracking and monitoring of the lifecycle of Purchase Orders as they relate to Contracts.

Reference #: 240412.365.1317

Purchase Orders are now able to be linked to other Purchase orders through a new option found in the side menu named Link PO.

Clicking Link PO allows you to find the record you would like to link. After linking you can find this record on the Associated PO(s) table.

How will this affect users?

A user can link POs to a Master PO Record in case of amendments or similar situations.


RESOLUTION:  Field Conditions on PO Details and PO Line Items Showing Incorrectly
Reference #: 240412.345.3707

When going back to the parent record field conditions would show even if they were not loaded on the initial load of the page. Field conditions now show correctly.


Optional Add-On Module used to extend the functionality and collaboration scope of Contract Insight by providing a dedicated gateway portal for your vendors, suppliers, providers, clients, customers, respondents, etc. to view and interact with the contracts, solicitations, etc. you have with them.

NEW FEATURE: UI Updates to the Details pages
Reference #: 240412.386.1534

The Vendor Client Gateway Details Pages have been redesigned to include features such as; Waffle Menu, Page Breadcrumbs, Scrolling progress bar, and Back to top button.

Waffle Menu:

Page Breadcrumbs:

Progress Bar:

Back to top:

How will this affect users?

Users will have an updated look that matches the Core systems breadcrumbs, scrolling progress bar, and back to top button. This should make it easier when navigating through the Gateway


ENHANCEMENT:  Files/Attachments on Details changed to match the look of the Files/Attachments in Core
Reference #: 240412.1157.1821

The Files/Attachments table on VCG has been updated to have a closer look and feel to the way it functions in Core.

How will this affect users?

Users will have an updated look that matches the current feel of the Core system.


RESOLUTION:  Invisible Field Default Value Issue
Reference #: 240412.345.2649

Default Values were not being saved in the VCG if fields were not on the Add Screen. Additionally, invisible fields can now be used on VCG. Default values can be checked by setting them to Show on Search

RESOLUTION:  Employee drop down disabled on VCG
Reference #: 240412.345.3356

Employee dropdown menus have been enabled for the Vendor/Client Gateway

RESOLUTION:  Access Level on Files/Attachments is not switching files to Gateway
Reference #: 240412.1157.3580

Users had noticed that when setting a file's Access Level to Gateway or Public on a Company Record, it would not maintain that level when uploaded. A fix was made and now files should show the correct access level on upload to a Company Record.

RESOLUTION:  Files unable to be downloaded on Gateway
Reference #: 240412.1157.2302

Some users had not been able to download files from Gateway records. This has been corrected so the file downloads as intended.


Optional Add-On Connector that provides your organization with the ability to use a third-party identity provider (such as ADFS, Ping, or other SAML 2.0 compliant providers) for a single sign-on authentication into your Contract Insight application.

NEW FEATURE: Single Log Out (SLO) Functionality
Reference #: 240412.360.2173

Single Logout Functionality has been added to the system. This allows the user to perform one logout action and terminate multiple authentication sessions. This will force a user to login again regardless of which application they choose.

Single Logout can be configured in the SAML/ADFS Settings area of Single Sign On Configuration:

Single Log Out Configuration

NOTE: This Function can be ignored by the SSO Provider even if it is enabled in Cobblestone, users will need to make sure this is configured in their company SSO method settings.

How will this affect users?
Users will be able to more easily log out across applications.


Optional Add-On Connector that provides your organization with the capability of electronic/digital signing of documents/contracts. Currently this connector is configured for integrations with DocuSign, and Adobe Acrobat Sign.

ENHANCEMENT:  Adobe Acrobat Sign Branding Updates
Reference #: 240412.1086.1609

Adjustments were made to keep Contract Insight consistent with current Adobe Acrobat Sign branding.


RESOLUTION:  Adobe Acrobat Sign Employee Active Issue
Reference #: 240412.1086.1836

Users were not being checked for activity through Adobe Acrobat Sign. This has been resolved so users will be checked based on if they are active or not active.

RESOLUTION:  DocuSign Auto Import
Reference #: 240412.360.3591

Paging was not being taken into account for the CobbleStone Client API with DocuSign returning envelopes. This has been corrected so when DocuSign sends imports to CobbleStone we will receive all of the items.


Optional Add-On Data Feeds that provide your organization with the capability of pulling in feeds of data relating to risk, compliance, contract management, procurement management, etc. from CobbleStone’s Data Aggregator Service. Currently this service is configured for data feeds from OFAC, Dun & Bradstreet, and FAR/DFAR.

Reference #: 240412.932.98

Administrators can track and manage FAR/DFAR Clauses. To monitor a clause, click Add Clause on side menu of the Data Aggregator. The list of FAR/DFAR Clauses that are able to be monitored is displayed. Check the box next to the clauses you wish to manage. Click Save Selections to save your monitored clauses.  

The Manage Clauses area shows your currently monitored clauses. The Refresh button manually searches for FAR/DFAR Clause update. If there is an update, it updates in Mergeable Clauses as well. Clicking the Trash Can Icon will stop monitoring the clause and remove it from the list of Managed Clauses. Clicking the Envelope Icon will allow the administrator to select users to notify when a clause is updated. 

When Clause is monitored, a clause is created in the Clause Library and the text is copied to that clause.

FAR/DFAR Clauses can be attached to Mergeable Clauses. When the clause is updated, the newest version will be published. Archived versions can manually be set to the published version if desired.

How will this affect users?
Users will be able to easily track and use FAR/DFAR clauses in their Document Packages and other Contract Insight documents.

NEW FEATURE: Dun & Bradstreet Integration
Reference #: 240412.1092.1539

The Configuration Area is in the D&B tab of the Data Aggregator. An administrator will enter their D&B API Key, API Secret, and Data Blocks Reference:

Boxes to enter D&B information

The Data Block Levels that will return can be configured here as well:

D&B Data Blocks

More information on Data Blocks and levels can be found here: https://directplus.documentation.dnb.com/html/guides/Enrich/StandardDataBlocks.html

Dun and Bradstreet search in Vendor Add auto populates the DUNS number as well as any available location information for that vendor. Clicking the DUNS Reset button will remove the data.

DUNS Search

DUNS Reset

On a Vendor Details Page, if there is no DUNS number on the record, the user can press Search D&B to search for a DUNS number by the record's Vendor Name. If there is a DUNS number, it will display in the scorecard along with a breakdown of the vendor's D&B rating. An explanation of the D&B Rating components can be found here: https://docs.dnb.com/reference/ratings/en-US/guide. The rating components are displayed with a traffic light concept. Green for good, Yellow for Caution, Red for Concern.

Clicking View Report will display window with D&B information in tables. Clicking REMOVE DUNS will stop monitoring the company and remove the DUNS number and associated information.

D&B Rating components can be seen on other add or details screens by hovering over the Risk Compliance link underneath the Vendor field. Hover over the link, then move your mouse over the scorecard when it appears to keep the scorecard in view. If the user also has purchased an OFAC Integration, that information will display as well.

How will this affect users?

Users will be able to use their D&B integration to more easily assess risk and access information on vendors provided by Dun & Bradstreet.

NEW FEATURE: OFAC Standardization
Reference #: 240412.337.3535

There is now an OFAC Scorecard on Company and Employee Records. Like the D&B scorecard, ratings are displayed with a traffic light concept. Green for good, Yellow for Caution, Red for Concern. Max Confidence is the highest potential match. AVG Confidence is the average of all potential matches.

Click View Report to see the OFAC table and view potential matches. Click Remove OFAC in the OFAC window to stop monitoring OFAC for the specific record and remove potential matches from the OFAC table.

OFAC Ratings can be seen on other add or details screens by hovering over the Risk Compliance link underneath the Vendor or Employee field. Hover over the link, then move your mouse over the scorecard when it appears to keep the scorecard in view. Vendors will display D&B information as well if that integration has been purchased.

How will this affect users?

Users with OFAC will have a cleaner and more immediate view of potential risk. 

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