Online Report Designer
  • 30 Jan 2024
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Online Report Designer

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Article summary

Quick Stats Analysis   

Searching & Reporting: Quick Stats Analysis

Contract Insight Enterprise supports the ability to perform statistical analysis of contract data.  This includes viewing the following items by contract grouping items:

  • Maximum Amount of Contracts (based on Contract amount fields)
  • Minimal Amount of Contracts (based on Contract amount fields)
  • Average Amount of Contract (based on Contract amount fields)
  • Total Count of Contracts
  • Standard Deviation of Contract Amounts (Standard deviation is a widely used measurement of variability or diversity used in statistics)

Perform Quick Stats Analysis

  1. Log into the system as an Application Administrator and navigate to Reports/Searches > Stats > Quick Stats (Analysis).
    Quick Stats (Analysis)

2. The Quick Stats screen displays.

Quick Stats screen displays

  1. Select the primary fields to group on (optionally, it can sub-grouped).
  2. Next, select the numeric value to analyze.
  3. Click Go
  4. The results display.

Results Display

Optionally, the data can be exported to Excel by clicking Export to Excel.

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