  • 25 Jan 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Article summary


CobbleStone® Software, a leader in Contract Management Software, offers a plug-and-play integration with HubSpot allowing for seamless communication between a CLM and CRM system that creates a recipe for effective and efficient sales contract management success. This can streamline your contracting process and eliminate confusion between your sales and contracting team - all while improving your bottom line!

 Benefits of CobbleStone®’s Integration with HubSpot

The integration can centralize companies and deals and requests. This integration supports a relationship between CobbleStone® and HubSpot that occurs when:

  • a company is entered or edited into HubSpot.
  • a deal is entered or edited in HubSpot.

Once a deal or company is entered in HubSpot it creates a request or company record in CobbleStone® Contract Insight®. Integrating CobbleStone® and HubSpot can support faster sales cycle times and can empower organizations to:

  • support sales, contract management, and legal teams in closing deals faster.
  • automate workflow processes to reduce sales cycle time and enforce accountability.
  • leverage pre-approved contract language, field merging, and clause merging for swift sales contract creation. 
  • proactively monitor negotiations and change-tracking with comprehensive version control.
  • quickly locate contract records based on shared CLM and CRM data between connected systems.
  • streamline contract signing by quickly and seamlessly integrating CobbleStone®’s IntelliSign® or other electronic signatures.
  • better manage contract obligations.


In the above example, CobbleStone®’s contract lifecycle management software training team walks through the integration mapping of a new HubSpot Company into a CobbleStone® Contract Insight Counterparty Record.

In the above example, CobbleStone®’s contract lifecycle management software training team walks through the integration mapping of a new HubSpot Deal into a CobbleStone® Contract Insight Request Record.


Example 1: Company Information Synchronization: Company Entry in HubSpot to Contract Insight Counterparties


To follow this example, please have the following windows open:

Figure 1 exampleHubspot – Companies List Figure 2 ExampleContract Insight - Counterparty List with EntryDate Filter set to Current Date If Hubspot is the primary source of truth for Company data, a five-minute interval data sync needs to be put in place between HubSpot and Contract Insight to ensure new records created in Contract Insight have accurate Company data.

Create a new Company record in HubSpot.

Create new Company on Hubspot example

Create a new company screen.

Screen to fill in required information to create new Company

The integration can handle as many or as few fields as required for your business purposes. Additional fields may need to be configured in your Contract Insight or HubSpot systems to set up this integration. For more information about field management in Contract Insight, please visit CobbleStone® University.

Once a client record has been entered into HubSpot, the integration job will trigger. Within moments of entry into HubSpot, the new client record will appear in Contract Insight.

Note: This entire process will happen in five-minute intervals. If required, run the recipe manually in Workato.

Flip over to the Vendor/Companies list screen in Contract insight and perform a refresh. A new client record should be visible with data from Hubspot mapped.

Company List Date Entered Column

Company Details Page

Company Details Page pt.2

As you can see, all the data that was entered into the HubSpot Company record has successfully been mapped into the new Contract Insight client record. There is a field on the client record in Contract Insight that stores the unique HubSpot ID for the Company in HubSpot. This ID can keep the data related to the Company synced between the two systems. It also allows for Contract Insight to update the Company in HubSpot with the CobbleStone® Company ID.

Note: Flip back to the HubSpot Company record and refresh the page. The CobbleStone® Company ID should have auto populated.

Example of Contract ID number

With the unique identifiers mapped between records, the risk of duplication is eliminated. Any changes made to the Company record in Hubspot will be reflected on the client record in Contract Insight.

Note: Make a change in HubSpot on the newly created Company. Do not make a change to the configured CobbleStone® fields. The integration team recommends the Address fields, phone number field, or Company Name Field for changes

Once the changes are saved in HubSpot, the integration will detect the change(s) in the HubSpot Company record and find the corresponding CobbleStone® client record and update.

Note: Flip between HubSpot and Contract Insight to demonstrate this change. It should look like the below images.

Hubspot  Company record exampleHubSpot BEFORE CHANGEHubspot Change ExampleHubSpot CHANGE 

Company Name in CSS from HubspotContract Insight BEFORE CHANGE

Contract insight Change name exampleContract Insight CHANGE


Example 2: New/Updated Deals: HubSpot to Contract Insight Requests

 To follow this example, please have the following windows open:

 Hubspot – Deals Panel with All Deals Listed, Panel with New Deal, Panel with Existing Deal (if showing updates only):

Example Hubspot, update DealsDeals List Create Deal in HubspotNew Deal

HubSpot Existing DealExisting Deal


 Contract Insight – Request List (Pending Requests) with EntryDate Filter set to Current Date:

Contract Insight - Request List (Oending Requests) with Entry Date Filter set to Current Date

Clients will often rely on Deals in HubSpot to generate new business and broker new deals. In this example, a client may need the data contained within an approved Deal to be made into a formal contract request.

Akin to how clients/Companies trigger the integration to map data into Contract Insight, an approved Deal can also be mapped into Contract Insight. Additional fields can be configured on the Contract Insight Request to meet specific business requirements. To learn more about field management, please visit CobbleStone® University!

We will now demonstrate a new Deal from HubSpot to be mapped into Contract Insight.

Navigate to the new Deal panel you have open. This should be prepopulated with as much information as you can fill out prior to the demonstration.

HubSpot Deal Panel

Hubspot -  Created Deal

Since the integration is set to five-minute intervals, check to see if the recipe has run in Workato (on a separate screen). If it has not, check for jobs now. Once the new Deal is created as a Request in Contract Insight, flip over to the request list, and refresh your page. You should see the new Request Record created.

Contract Insight - Request Column

Contract Insight - Contract Request Detail

To demonstrate updates made to the Deal being mapped to the request, open the Hubspot tab, and edit your Deal title. Since the integration is set to five-minute intervals, check to see if the recipe has run in Workato (on a separate screen).

Deal - Contract Management SoftwareHubSpot Deal Title


Contract Insight Request Title Contract Insight Request Title

Editing Hubspot DealEditing HubSpot Deal


 Refresh your Contract Insight Request.

Refreshed  Contract Request Title after updating from  Hubspot Deal

As you can see, the title update was passed to Contract Insight!

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