How To: Locate API Information (SaaS Clients)
  • 07 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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How To: Locate API Information (SaaS Clients)

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Article summary

This page is intended for SaaS Clients.
Deployed Clients can find relevant information here.

Note: For all links below, replace red URL text with your system's name

Link to system's REST APIs: 

https://{CLIENT_NAME} OR https://{CLIENT_NAME}

Of the two options above, use the one that matches your base URL
Another way to think about this is to replace the /Core and everything after portion of your URL with /API2

Create OAuth 2.0 Credentials for use on the API: https://{CLIENT_NAME}

This is only accessible within the Core system by a System Administrator user
Step-by-step instructions for generating credentials can be found in the How To: Generate Client ID and Client Secret article.

System Areas available through the API: https://{CLIENT_NAME}

This is only accessible within the Core system by a System Administrator user
Step-by-step instructions for accessing the Schema Explorer can be found in the How To: Access the Schema Explorer article.

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