Overview-Version 22.1.2 (Rev 240215)
  • 26 Feb 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Overview-Version 22.1.2 (Rev 240215)

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Article summary

Release Version Information

The high-level information regarding this version is detailed below:

Release Version NumberClient Release DateRelease Type (from prior release)
22.1.2 (Rev 240215)26 February 2024Hotfix

For CobbleStone Software version 22.1.2 (Rev 240215), Resolutions were added to the following areas: 

  • Core System: Contract Insight
  • Module: Vendor/Client Collaboration Gateway
  • Connector: External E-Sign Integrations


The Core System provides Contract Insight’s core components and functionality for full lifecycle management of your organization’s contracts and committals.

RESOLUTION: User Permissions Conditions - Employee Fields
Reference #: 240215.588.1643 

Employee values had to be entered as integer values instead of picked from an employee dropdown list. A fix was made and now employees should display in list format.

RESOLUTION: Missing subtables when exporting all on Ad-Hoc reports
Reference #: 240215.486.1825

When Exporting All on an Ad-Hoc Report, the subtables were not being pulled into the exported report. This has been corrected so all subtables display when Exporting All for an Ad-Hoc Report.

RESOLUTION: Decimal Calculated Custom Field
Reference #: 240215.1142.1829

When adding Decimal and Decimal4 fields together the system would round to the nearest whole number. This has been resolved so the number displays correctly as a decimal.

RESOLUTION: Attempting to Sort/Filter Financial Sub Tables Refreshes Page 
Reference #: 240215.1142.1906

A client had noticed some tables would send the user to the top of the page when refreshing after being sorted. A fix was applied and now the page will remain in place when these tables are sorted.

RESOLUTION: Request Line Items Not Matching Order
Reference #: 240215.377.2202

A client had noticed that the request Line Items table did not match the order set in the field manager's Purchase Request Items table. A fix was applied and now the order set in the field manager will dictate the order of the columns on the Request Line Items table.

RESOLUTION: Legacy Ad Hoc Report - "Show On Report"
Reference #: 240215.1142.2495

When disabling a field to show on report in a Legacy Ad-Hoc Report, users were still seeing the fields on the report when being ran. This has been corrected so if the fields are unchecked to Show on Report they will not show.

RESOLUTION: Vendor Contact Details with Grid/Table Layout
Reference #: 240215.486.2568

A client had noticed the Vendor Contact Details page was displaying out of alignment when using the Grid/Table Layout. A fix was made and the page is now showing properly and is not placing information on incorrect lines. It is working inline with the Task Details field.

RESOLUTION: Prevent Download Circumvention
Reference #: 240215.439.2650

Clients were concerned that users with permissions that prevent them from downloading would be able to circumvent this by printing the preview of the document. A change was made to set users with permissions to prevent download to automatically use the old Legacy Previewer,  and provides a Restriction message and downloads the whole page rather then just the document and does not allow the document to be viewed properly.

RESOLUTION: Error Message When Adding Fields to a Document Template
Reference #: 240215.1157.2711

Clients were having issues saving 100 or more Mergeable Fields to a Document Template. An improvement was made and large amounts of fields can be successfully added to templates.

RESOLUTION: Bulk Surveys Duplicate Respondents
Reference #: 240215.588.2991

When adding Reminders to a Survey and starting a Bulk Survey process respondents were duplicated. This has been resolved so only one respondent is added for each record.

RESOLUTION: Mobile Application Filtering and Scrolling
Reference #: 240215.441.1624

Scrolling, Searching and Filtering were inconsistent on mobile. Improvements were made and pages should perform as expected on the mobile application.



RESOLUTION: Gateway Solicitation Report - Invalid Column
Reference #: 240215.509.1844

Public Solicitation reports would display an "Invalid column name 'VendorID'" error. A fix was made and the error no longer appears.

RESOLUTION: Vendor Gateway Font
Reference #: 240215.1157.2627

When modifying the Default Intro Content for the Vendor Client Gateway users were unable to modify the Font Type to match their text. This has been resolved by adding a Font Type tool in the editor of the Default Intro Content for the Vendor Client Gateway.

RESOLUTION: Misspelling on VCG Password Reset Screen
Reference #: 240215.1157.1637

Spelling errors found in Reset Password area for Vendor/Client Gateway and Core system were corrected.


RESOLUTION: DocuSign - Regional Setting Preventing Completion and Upload
Reference #: 240215.595.1680

Clients were unable to complete and upload signed documents from DocuSign back into Contract Insight due to Regional Setting causing the date format to change from MM/DD/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY. A fix was applied and DocuSign processes should complete and upload regardless of regional date settings.

RESOLUTION: Adobe Acrobat Sign OAuth Not Configured Message
Reference #: 240215.595.2171

Some clients were receiving a message stating that the "Adobe Sign OAuth is not configured" when accessing the Manage Signature Process page. A fix was made and that message should no longer appear.

RESOLUTION: Zoom Hiding Critical Buttons
Reference #: 240215.588.2187

Clients had found that if their browser window was zoomed out, the OK and Cancel buttons were hidden in the Add Employee and Add Contact windows on AdobeSign processes. An adjustment was made and the buttons are now visible at all zoom levels.

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