Field Mapper
  • 02 Nov 2023
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Field Mapper

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Article summary

Field Mapper

Account Maintenance: Field Mapping Utility

Contract Insight Enterprise Edition provides organizations with the ability to create Contracts based upon data/information supplied in the Solicitation Details or Contract Request screens, with a single hyperlink/button click. This is made possible by the Field Mapper function. Field Mapper literally maps Solicitation Details Fields or Contract Request Fields to Contract Details Fields. This mapping provides the basis for auto-populating Contract Details Fields directly from pre-determined Solicitation Details Fields or Contract Request Fields.

To access the Field Mapper:

Navigate to the Manage/Setup top navigation menu item and select Account Maintenance.

The Application Configuration section of the Contract Insight Main Menu. Account Maintenance is highlighted.


This will open the Maintenance screen. On the side menu, click Field Mapper.

The Actions side menu is open on the Account Maintenance page. Field Mapper is highlighted.

The Field Mapper specifies the mapping of each table table field to the desired table and field.

The Select Table dropdown menu under Map From is highlighted.Click Add Field Mapping.

The Add Field Mapping button is highlighted. It sits between the Map From and Map To sections

NoteIf the fields' data types do not match (i.e. if you try to map a Date field to an Integer field), the incompatible fields will be greyed out.

The Description Field is highlighted on the Map From side. On the Map To side, there are several greyed out options of fields that do not match data type.If this should occur, change either the field you are mapping from or to so the data types match.

Deleting mapped fields is accomplished by clicking Delete of the mapped field that you wish to remove.

Note: it is recommended that to avoid mapping any field more than once. Failure to adhere to this recommendation will result in errors, inconsistent results, and failure of the Copy function on the Solicitation Details or Contract Request Details Screen.

Map Sub-Tables:

Values in sub-tables can also be mapped from one record to a new record.

1. After selecting the primary tables, scroll down the page to sub-table mapping.

The Map Subtable From and Map Subtable To sections are highlighted, as well as the Add Sub-Table Mapping button.


2. Select the sub-tables of origin and destination.

3. Select the fields to map from origin and to destination.

4. Click Add Sub-Table Mapping.

Note: Some out-of-the-box sub-tables may already have some fields defined for mapping.


To Indicate File Mapping:

Files can be moved from one record to another via the field mapper.

1. After selecting the primary tables, scroll down the page to sub-table mapping.

2. Select the table of origin for the files.

3. Select the table of destination for the files.

The select subtable dropdown menus in Map Subtable From and Map Subtable To are highlighted. The Dropdown menu for Allow Mapping Automatically is also highlighted, displaying the alternate option Choose Rows Manually.


4. Select Use Field Mapping to map all files to the new record. Alternatively, select Choose Files Manually to select the files during the process.

Mapping Folder Structure

When mapping Files/Attachments sub-table fields in the Field Mapper, System Administrators see a new option for mapping the attachment folder structure. If configured, users may copy the Files/Attachment folder structure when copying a record in CobbleStone®. This will maintain the folder structure between copied records, so they do not need to be recreated each time.


The dropdown menu for Mapping Attachment folder structure is highlighted

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