E-Approvals Flow/Groups
  • 28 Jan 2025
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E-Approvals Flow/Groups

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Article summary

E-Approvals Flow/Groups   

Managing Generated Documents: E-Approval Flows & Groups

Authorized users can manage the E-Approval Process and its participants that have already been defined on the template side. Authorized Users can add new participants to the already-defined E-Approval Flow Steps and/or edit the participants who had previously been assigned.

Click Add Participant to add a new participant to the process.


From this page, users can perform the following actions:

1. Add Participant: Authorized Users are able to add a participant to a flow step that has already been created. Users cannot create or add a new flow step to a generated Document Package; however, they are able to assign additional employees, roles & groups or client/vendor contacts as participants in one.

Next, click the E-Approval Processing link.





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