Dashboards Overview
  • 26 Jan 2024
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Dashboards Overview

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Article summary

Dashboards Overview   

Dashboards: Overview

Contract Insight provides users with the capability of creating personalized dashboard(s).  A dashboard is a form of home screen where the user can add different views, or docks.  There is no limit to how many dashboards a user may create. 

Upon first logging into the system, the My Calendar page because a dashboard has not yet been configured. Once a dashboard has been created, each subsequent time a user logs into the system, he or she is taken to the My Dashboards page if Is Default was set to Yes upon creating of the dashboard.

Below are some ways to access dashboards.  You can also see the Wiki pages “My Dashboards”, “Dashboard Docks”, and “Dashboard Manager” for further information and navigation instructions.


Dashboard Overview

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