Contract Category Management
  • 07 Nov 2023
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Contract Category Management

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Contract Category Management   

Master Reference Data Management: Contract Category

Contract Categories are used to classify contracts into categories for classifications purposes. For example, a hospital may classify contracts into in-network or out-of-network categories.

To Add a Contract Category

1. Select Record Types from the Manage/Setup top navigation menu item.

The ContractInsight Main Menu. Record Types is highlighted in a red box

2. This will open the List Manager screen, listing all of the contract categories already in Contract Insight.

The Actions submenu on the Record Types Manager page. Add Record Type and Manage Columns are highlighted in red boxes

3. Click Add Record under Contract Categories List.

4. Enter the name of the new contract category and click Save.

To View/Edit a Contract Category

1.  Click View for the contract category line item you would like to view/edit.

2.  This will open the Category Details screen. 

3.  To edit the name of the contract category, click the Pencil Icon for the Category Name line item. 

4.  Edit the text for the name of the category and click Save Changes.

To Delete a Contract Category

Note: Prior to deleting a category, make sure it is not being used by any contract records.

1. Go to the Category Details screen for the line item you would like to delete.

2. Click Delete in the side menu.

3. Confirm the deletion.

Manage Columns Button

Note: The Manage Columns button will allow users to view additional columns of information available for the table selected.

1.  Click Manage Columns on the side menu.

2.  On the next screen select the field you would like to view as a column. Click Add next to the desired field to move it to the left-hand column.

The Assign Columns to List Page. The Remove link is highlighted on the top item in Assigned Columns. The Add link is highlighted in the top item in Unassigned Columns3. Once added, click Back to List on the side menu. The column just added is visible.

The Actions Menu on the Assign Column to List page. Back to List is highlighted.
The Record Types Manager Page. The newly added Date Updated column is highlighted.

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