Configuring OFAC
  • 27 Mar 2024
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Configuring OFAC

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Article summary

Configuring OFAC

Data Aggregator Service: Configuration

Once licensed, configuration of the Data Aggregation Service/OFAC Integration is straight forward.

The Configuration Page

To access the Data Aggregation Service configuration area,via the top menu, navigate to Manage/Setup - Application Configuration - Data Aggregator Service.

Data Aggregator Service on Main Menu


2. If setting up the aggregator service for the first time, a login prompt displays. Enter your credentials for the service. When done, click Authorize.

Data Aggregator Credentials


3. The Configuration Management: Data Aggregator Service page displays. On the service's tab, numerous options are available. For ease of use, they are broken into multiple areas:

A. Company/Service Vendor Mapping


In this area, establish the general settings for the integration and indicate the fields in CobbleStone® the data is checked against.  A fuzzy search is executed against the Name property, as well as exact searches for the other specified fields. The fuzzy search not only looks for similarly spelled names, but also uses a Soundex algorithm to find phonetically similar names or names that sound alike, as well similar aliases. Click Save Company Settings when done with this area.

B. Employee/User Service Mapping


In this area, establish the general settings for the integration and indicate the fields in CobbleStone® the data is checked against. Like the Company Mappings, A fuzzy search is executed against the Name property, as well as exact searches for the other specified fields. The fuzzy search not only looks for similarly spelled names, but also uses a Soundex algorithm to find phonetically similar names or names that sound alike, as well similar aliases. Click Save Mapping when done.




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