Adobe Acrobat Sign
  • 30 Jan 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Adobe Acrobat Sign

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Article summary


Clients with an Adobe Acrobat Sign license can use our connector to sign documents in Contract Insight using Adobe Acrobat Sign. They can also use Adobe Acrobat Sign as the signing engine to power the IntelliSign and Document Collaboration processes.

  • File size/Upload limit: Adobe Acrobat Sign limits the size of each file uploaded to 10MB.
  • Pages/Transaction limit: The whole transaction (all files merged) has a total page limit of 500 pages.
  • Signers/Electronic transaction limit: The maximum number of people that can be configured on one transaction is 25.
  • Supported file types: PDFs, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, JPG, PNG, GIF, TIF, TXT, RTF, ODT

Getting to Adobe Acrobat Sign


Navigate to a record that contains a file you wish to send out for signing. In the Files/Attachments section, click on the toolbox in the actions column next to the desired file.File Attachments -> Tool box


Click Esign DocumentSelecting the option to Esign Document

Click Adobe Acrobat Sign

Selecting Adobe Acrobat Sign to Esign Document

Creating the E-Signature Package

Select Document

Select any additional documents you would like to sent out for E-Signature and click Next. The Document selected through the document toolbox will already be selected.

Select Multiple Documents for Signing process

Add recipients

To add recipients, you can enter an email address, and choose a Recipient Role (Signer or Approver). You can also click Add Employee to select from a list of Employees, or Add Contact to select from a list of Company Contacts. If the initial row is empty, clicking Add Employee or Add Contact will add them to the empty first row. If the first row is filled, it will create a new row. If you have manually filled the email address field and wish to add another signer manually, click the Add button.

Add Recipients to tthe Document

Signing order must be set. This is the order emails will be sent out. You can have multiple emails with the same order number.Select Order to sign document

Setting a group is optional and can be left empty. It can help keep track of multiple emails in a group.Optional Group Name

To set an Expiration Date, click the Expiration Date button and select a date from the calendar. Click Set to confirm the expiration date. A set date will appear under the button. 

To set a reminder frequency, click the Reminder Frequency button. If this choice is set, a reminder email will be sent at the chosen email until the document package is signed. A dropdown menu will appear and you can select from Daily, Every Other Day, or Weekly. Click OK to confirm the reminder frequency, click Clear to remove reminders.

You can customize the email header in the Agreement Title box. The email body can be customized in the Message Box.

Enable Hybrid routing

To allow Hybrid Routing (Allow senders to precisely define signing order with options to specify which recipients can sign in parallel and which need to sign in a specific order. For example, sender can specify that A will sign first, Then B and C can sign in parallel, and only then D will approve), you can enable it in your Adobe Account under Account Settings > Send Settings > Signing Order > Check the box "Allow senders to specify Hybrid Routing Order".

Hybrid Routing

Send Settings for Adobe Acrobat Esign 

Sending to Adobe Acrobat Sign

After filling all the necessary information. Click Submit.Click Submit to Send Adobe Acrobat Sign

Click OK to begin the upload to Adobe Acrobat Sign.Begin Adobe Acrobat signContinue Adobe Acrobat Signing

After you click complete, it will open a panel to Adobe Acrobat Sign. You can drag the appropriate fields for your document package onto your document.

Adobe acrobat Signing package

After all the fields have been placed, you can click Send or close the window.

If you click send, it will email the package out for signature to the emails chosen in the Recipients phase.

If you close the window, it will save in the authoring state and you can go back to this page at a later time to send out the signature.

 After these steps, it will send you to the edit agreement page.

Managing/reviewing the Agreement

Adobe Acrobat Sign Close Without Send

If the user closed the Adobe window without sending out signature, the edit agreement page will have a link to the authoring page to send out for E-Signature.

Adobe Acrobat Close without Send


Send Reminder 

If you would like to manually send a reminder to a signer, outside of the reminder frequency chosen in the agreement setup, you can click the Send Reminder button next to your desired signer. 

Manual Send Reminder option

Replace User

Enable replace user feature

To enable the replace user feature, go to your Adobe Account Settings – Global Settings. Under Replace recipient, check “Users in my account can select whether the original recipient can or cannot participate after being replaced.”

Option to Replace user Feature

Using the Replace Feature

Click the Replace User button next to the Signer you wish to replace.

Using Replace User Feature

Enter the Email of the new user you want to send the agreement to in the Email of new user box. You can edit the message they will receive in the Message box.

Edit Message for  Replace Participant

Refresh Status 

Click the Refresh Status button to refresh the status of the signature process.

Active Participants, and Esign Status

Share Agreement feature

You can share the agreement by clicking the share agreement button and entering the information.

Adobe Acrobat Sign History

History Log for Adobe Acrobat Sign


Status info

Prompt to share Agreement with new User



Manual Retrieve vs Auto Retrieve via Scheduled Jobs

Manual Retrieve

When you return to the edit agreement page after the E-signature has been signed, a pop up will appear and give you options to attach the documents to the record, either combined, seperately, or you choose specific documents on the agreement page.

Manual Retrieve option

Auto Retrieve

The Scheduler will auto retrieve the signed documents, or if you are a system admin you can go to the scheduler and have it run now by clicking Run Now next to Adobe Acrobat Sign Document Imports.

Auto Retrieve example

Document location after retrieval

Edit agreement

You can retrieve the signed document in the edit agreement page under documents

Edit Agreement example

File Browser / Explorer

The document can be retrieved in the Contract Details page under File Browser / Explorer

Retrieve the document from File Browser

 Signing Engine

There is a configuration setting in the General Group of the Document Authoring Section to set a Signing Engine for IntelliSign and the document collaboration process. The options are the default IntelliSign or Adobe Acrobat Sign if licensed

Signing Engine

When Adobe Acrobat Sign is selected as the signing engine, the Adobe Signing process will be used when selecting an IntelliSign, IntelliSign from Merged Document Template, or New Signature Process from Merged Template. The process will function in the same manner as the regular Adobe Acrobat Sign connector. Users will be able to tell if Adobe Acrobat Sign is selected as the signing engine by the header of the page:

Adobe Acrobat Signing Engine Example

 Using Digital Signatures

For more in depth information about Digital Signatures, please see this documentation from Adobe:

  1. Go to Settings to use Digital Signatures
  2. Click AccountDigital Signatures Example
  3. Click Digital SignaturesDigital Signing Cloud Signature providers
  4. Select the signature providers you would like the signee to be able to use.
  5. On the Authoring page drag in Digital Signatures to the place holder spot.Cloud Signature provider placeholder spot exampleCloud Signature, Digital Signature place holder






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