Adding MRD Records In-Line
  • 07 Nov 2023
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Adding MRD Records In-Line

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Article summary

Adding MRD Records In-Line   

Master Reference Data Management: Add MRD In-Line

Users who have been granted the permissions to add master reference data can also add the data in-line when entering a new record such as a contract.

To Add a New Master Reference Table Value

1. On the add screen for the record in question, click the applicable blue "+" icon.

The Add New Contract Record page. The Plus Icon next to Department/Business Unit is highlighted.


2. A pop-up add screen displays. Complete all required fields.

The Add Record Pop-Up Screen

3. At the bottom of the pop-up, click Save and Continue.

The bottom of the Add Record pop-up. The Save & Continue button is highlighted.
4. The pop-up window closes and the new newly created value is entered into the applicable field.

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