Acting Upon/Approving/Rejecting a Task
  • 29 Jan 2024
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Acting Upon/Approving/Rejecting a Task

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Article summary

Acting Upon/Approving/Rejecting a Task   

Contract Tasks: Act Upon a Task

To Approve (or Complete), Reject, or apply another status to a task, navigate to the Task Details screen and click View for the task line item. Before being acted upon, a task's status is Open.

Task on Tasks and Workflows Grid

By clicking the desired value on the side menu of the Task Details page, the task’s Contract Details list on the Tasks, E-mails, Workflow, Alerts displays. Notice the task’s Status is now updated and is no longer listed as Open.

Complete/Approve and Reject on Task Details page

Task Status on Grid

Alternatively, if the system is configured to allow it, act upon a task by scrolling to the right and clicking the appropriate status update. Please note that the status values in your system may differ from those pictured here.

Approve or Reject on Task Grid


A popup window displays to confirm the selection.

Confirm Approval Popup


By setting the Task's Status to Task Complete, e-mails for this task alert are disabled; no further alerts will be sent out. For more information about disabling Alerts for statuses, see the Task Status Management Wiki page.

Note: If configured to permit such a change, if the task is marked as Complete but needs to be changed, click View for that task line item. When brought to the Task & Event Details screen, click Reject on the side menu of the task details page. Complete/Approve Task will no longer be available as the task has already been completed.

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