Access E-Approval Signature Processes Assigned
  • 30 Jan 2024
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Access E-Approval Signature Processes Assigned

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Article summary

Access E- Approval/Signature Processes Assigned   

Document Collaboration Gateway Settings & Functionality: Access Processes Assigned To

In the Vendor Client Gateway users can access the E-Processes to which they are assigned via the top menu.

My Assignments on VCG Menu
On the next screen users will be able to see the approval or signature processes they are assigned to as either an individual or as part of an Employee Role/Group.

1. Select the area of the system for which the process is to be applied.
2. Select the assignment type. (Individual Assignments or Group Assignments)
3. My Assignments List displays the assignments based on the criteria from numbers 1 and 2
4. Columns
a. For Process – This link goes to the Document Process Dashboard
b. Process Type – What kind of process is this, Approval or Signature?
c. Process ID – The unique ID assigned to the process
d. Process Status – The status of the process
e. Assignment – What is the user's assignment as a participant
f. Reason – The reason an individual is assigned to the process
g. Date Assigned – When the process was assigned
h. My Approval – Has the singed in user completed the assigned?
i. Date Completed – When the process was completed

 My Assignments


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