22.1.2 - Core System: Contract Insight
  • 02 Nov 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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22.1.2 - Core System: Contract Insight

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Article summary

The Core System provides Contract Insight’s core components and functionality for full lifecycle management of your organization’s contracts and committals.


NEW FEATURE:  View All Surveys & Bulk Survey Reporting
Reference #: 230811.588.318

Users are now able to View All Surveys within each major section of Contract Insight. We have added the ability to view these Surveys and be able to view the results and the record from which the Survey was initiated. There is also the option to export all Surveys from each section.

How will this affect users?

Users will now have easier access to the surveys they have created.


ENHANCEMENT: UI Improvements on IntelliXtract Screen
Reference #: 230811.489.1117 and 230807.489.1034

Buttons and Dropdowns were adjusted on the IntelliXtract Screen to provide a better UI experience.

ENHANCEMENT:  Allow Task Actions from Editable Tasks Permission
Reference #: 230811.337.1024

A new permission called Tasks: Allow All Task Actions From Editable Tasks has been created to allow a user who has edit permissions for a task to Approve/Reject tasks they have access to.

How will this affect users?
If a system admin enables the permission setting, a user who has edit access to a task can perform actions against the task (like approve or reject) even if they aren't assigned to the task.

ENHANCEMENT: Warning Message Notification Overlay
Reference #: 230811.489.1241

When users log into a system with an Activation Key or SSO Certificate that is set to expire within 30 days, they will be greeted with a warning message that covers the top menu. 

How will this affect users?

It will now be much easier for users to see when their Activation Keys or SSO Certificates are due to expire.

ENHANCEMENT: Create Notification Theme
Reference #: 230811.486.161

Users can now create customized notification email template themes based off CobbleStone®'s default themes. Users can choose which theme will be the default notification theme for default (non-task) emails. More information can be found HERE.

How will this affect users?

System Administrators now have more control over the way their default e-mail notifications look.

ENHANCEMENT: Preferred Clause Replacement
Reference #: 230811.362.969

If a user creates a record with drag/drop, there is a new side menu option: Replace Clauses. It will launch a pop-up showing the clauses that it found and suggested replacements from your Clause Library. Users can choose replacements and the system will extract from the altered document and provide both the original and updated document with replaced clauses.

How will this affect users?

Users creating a record from drag and drop can replace clauses in the document they upload with suggested clauses from their Clause Library.


RESOLUTION:  Contract Extract Map error when selecting View/Manage option
Reference #: 230811.588.906

Viewing an Auto Extract Settings record with "Field To Extract To" set to an ID field no longer results in an error.

RESOLUTION:  Pending Request Screen Issue
Reference #: 230811.509.977

Client noted that the Department/Business Unit ID number did not correctly correspond to the accompanying Department name on the Search Request Records table. Fix was implemented. All Department/Business Unit IDs and corresponding Department Name from the Department/Business Unit List now match the Search Request Records table.

RESOLUTION:  View links not showing on Employee ad-hoc reports/dashboard docks
Reference #: 230811.588.1013

Reports for Employees were not displaying View links when Employee IDs were hidden. A fix was made and now view links should display as intended.

RESOLUTION:  Problem Adding Mergeable Clause
Reference #: 230811.509.1026

Creating a New Mergeable Clause was giving a error message to contact administrator. After implemented fix New Mergeable Clauses are now being saved without issue/error. Only permissioned users are still able to access this area.

RESOLUTION:  Incorrect Clause Info
Reference #: 230811.509.897

When viewing the Rules for a Mergeable Clause the last displayed rules were displaying before the currently selected rules displayed. A loading screen has been added so the correct data displays upon the clause being loaded.

RESOLUTION:  Manage Main Menu is not working within the system
Reference #: 230811.486.1022

A client was experiencing errors when attempting to Manage Main Menu. A fix was applied and now Manage Main Menu can be accessed as intended. As part of the fix, Negotiations has been moved out from underneath Contracts back into it's own separate Menu section.

RESOLUTION: Image Load Time Improvements
Reference #: 230811.489.1049

Clients had noticed a slowdown around when the system was attempting to load icons and images. A fix was made and image load times should be improved.

RESOLUTION:  OneDrive OAuth Redirect Update
Reference #: 230811.563.1123

A client was having an issue connecting their OneDrive accounts to My Cloud Drives. A fix was made and OneDrive should link as expected.

RESOLUTION:  Task E-mail Links Overlapping Text When Viewed on Outlook (on the web) for Custom Templates
Reference #: 230811.486.1027

Once a Task Email was sent out to a user which was also configured for Notification Templates it was overlapping Task Action links and the Record's Files & Attachments on the email. This has been corrected so all Task Action links and links to the Files & Attachments displays properly.

RESOLUTION: Top Menu Covering Screen
Reference #: 230811.489.1218

It was noticed that when the horizontal main menu configuration setting was turned on, it would overlaps elements of certain pages. This has been corrected so all text and menu options are no longer overlapping with each other.

RESOLUTION:  Workflow Does Not Send CC to Vendor
Reference #: 230811.561.1195

Creating a Workflow for a Sub Table and adding an Alternate Email of Vendor/Customer wasn't routing the email to the Vendor upon running the Scheduler Manager. This has been adjusted so the email routes to the Vendor upon the job running.

RESOLUTION:  Trailing Zeroes Removed From Cents in Currency Fields in Contract Creation
Reference #: 230811.1093.11197

A client noticed trailing zeroes would disappear from the cents section in currency fields when moved away from during contract creation. A fix was made and trailing zeroes should remain when not the field of focus.

RESOLUTION:  Attestation Message in Bulk Survey
Reference #: 230811.588.1568

A client had found that the Attestation Messages on Bulk Surveys were not pulling from the correct place. A fix was made and now the correct Attestation Message should display.

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