- Core System: Contract Insight
  • 25 Apr 2023
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The Core System provides Contract Insight’s core components and functionality for full lifecycle management of your organization’s contracts and committals.


RESOLUTION:  Assigned To grid errors when navigating between pages
Reference #: 230421.486.951

Navigating between pages on a Field Used On/Assigned To: table in the Field Manager would cause an error. A fix was applied and now this table can be navigated as expected.

RESOLUTION:  File Category selection reverts after navigation
Reference #: 230421.486.868

Some clients had found when they had selected file/attachment category on a record, then navigated to a different record and attempted to select a different file/attachment category, it would revert to the category selected on the first record. A fix was made, and now File/Attachment Categories can be selected as expected.

RESOLUTION:  Updated By Field Not Showing Accurate Information
Reference #: 230421.509.941

Clients had found that viewing a file would cause a Contract Record's Updated By and Date Updated fields to change even though the Record had not been modified. A fix was applied, and now viewing a file will not update the record.

RESOLUTION:  Ad-Hoc Report link in dashboard tile - unable to view when not assigned to report
Reference #: 230421.337.923

It was discovered that having a Dashboard with a hyperlink to an Ad-Hoc Report that was assigned to a user without access to that report would redirect you to the Report List page. This has been adjusted so if you're assigned a dashboard that is linked to a report you will be able to open the report and view the information. Assuming you have the proper permissions set for the section of the system the report is configured for.

RESOLUTION: Survey Notification sent before Response Open Date
Reference #: 230421.337.968

It was discovered that the notification to complete a survey was being sent before the Response Open Date. This has been corrected so the notification will not go out until that Response Open Date has been met.

RESOLUTION: Users without permission able to download files from Find/Search Contracts page
Reference #: 230421.337.968

It was discovered that users who didn't have permission to View/Download files from the Find/Search Contracts page were able to view and or download the files. This has been corrected so you have to have the proper permissions in order to view or download the attachments.

RESOLUTION: Files selected for Signature or E-Approval Process times out
Reference #: 230421.337.968

Users were running into a concern where files were being selected for a Signature Process and or an E-Approval Process and the process would time out due to a large number of data. This has been corrected so the process will go through without timeout.

RESOLUTION: View Column only present on Reports when ID visible
Reference #: 230421.337.33

Users noted that the "View" column was only present on Ad-hoc reports or dashboard Ad-hoc reports when the record ID field was visible on the report. This has been updated so the "View" column shows as expected when the record ID field is marked to not show on the report. 

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