22.1.1 - Core System: Contract Insight
  • 02 Nov 2023
  • 7 Minutes to read
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22.1.1 - Core System: Contract Insight

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Article summary

The Core System provides Contract Insight’s core components and functionality for full lifecycle management of your organization’s contracts and committals.


NEW FEATURE: Microsoft Word Web Add-In
Reference #: 230302.563.382

The CobbleStone® Word Web Add-In is an Office add-in built to greatly improve workflow and integration between Contract Insight and Microsoft Word, without the usage of additional software, and is available for use in both the Word Desktop application and Word 365 Online. From within Microsoft Word, users will be able to:

  • Upload a file directly to one of the 6 main record types within Contract Insight
  • Link the file to a Contract Insight record
  • View a linked Contract Insight record from the file
  • View/Edit details of a linked record
  • Create a new record from a document
  • Create a new Clause
  • Insert a common clause from the Clause Menu
  • Searching the document for clauses
  • Replace clauses in the document using VISDOM® as a Service
  • Search / Look Up Terms
  • Use hints configured in Contract Insight on key words or phrases in the document
  • Search document for Vendors

Users will also be able to open a file from the Files/Attachments area of a record in Contract Insight directly into Word for editing. Further details and installation instructions can be found in the 00. Helper Applications & Resources section of the wiki


ENHANCEMENT:  Document preview using Adobe previewer
Reference #: 230302.439.431

The document previewer has been updated to leverage Adobe's preview functionality within the Core system, the E-Signature Portal, and the Vendor/Client Gateway. The Adobe document previewer allows users to scroll continuously through the pages of the document, see all pages in a thumbnail preview on the side, and make on-screen notes and download the marked-up PDF (does not automatically attach back to the record).

Clients can choose between the legacy document previewer or the Adobe document previewer by updating the Preview the documents using legacy previewer Configuration Setting which can be found in Manage/Setup > Application Configuration > Config Settings then selecting General System from the dropdown. This is a global setting will set the document previewer used within the Core system, the E-Signature Portal, and the Vendor/Client Gateway.

ENHANCEMENT:  Show last 5 records updated by the user on Find/Search pages
Reference #: 230302.595.534

An enhancement has been made to the Find/Search pages for Request, Contract, E-Sourcing, and Purchase Order where the logged in user will see the last 5 records they had updated. Clicking on the 'More' link under the list will present the user with additional records they had updated.

How will this affect users?
End users will be able to quickly access the records they recently updated without the need to perform a search.

ENHANCEMENT:  Add the folder structure functionality on the Workflow List Manager
Reference #: 230302.588.45

The Folder Structure functionality previously added for organizing Reports in the Ad-hoc Reports List has now been extended to the Workflow List Manager. The folder structure works similar to the Files/Attachments area on the Details screens and users with access will be able to Add, Modify, and Delete folders.

How will this affect users?
End Users with access to the Workflow Manager will now see a ‘Workflow Folders’ section on the left side of the Workflow List Manager page. Users with permission can add, modify, or delete a folder by clicking the related icon in the Workflow Folders menu.

Reference #: 230302.362.644

Several updates were made to VISDOM® including resolving an issue where, if configured, the Sentences tab was blank after the OCR process completed from a file Drag & Drop as well as better algorithm chaining support and updates to some of the parsers and tokenizers for continued improvements to the VISDOM® processes.

ENHANCEMENT:  Efficiency enhancement to Quick Search
Reference #: 230302.362.620

Quick Search has been updated to prevent numeric fields from being included in the search when the search text contains non-numeric values. This update improves the efficiency of Quick Search. It is important to note that Quick Search does not parse a query into search terms. Searching for 10000 dollars will result in Contract_Amount LIKE '%100000 dollars%'. This will never be true and can be safely ignored. That functionality is available via the Search Engine (Lucene search) option within the system.


RESOLUTION:  Vendor Type not displaying in Manage Columns for the Company List
Reference #: 230302.486.40

Users found that the field/column 'TypeName' was not available when managing columns in the Vendor/Customer List grid view. This has been resolved so the field/column is available to add to the Vendor/Customer List grid view.

RESOLUTION:  Unable to open downloaded Word documents
Reference #: 230302.439.320

Some clients were having issues opening Word Documents downloaded from Contract Insight. A fix was put in place and now documents should be able to be opened as expected.

RESOLUTION:  Scheduled Ad-Hoc Report emails not sending
Reference #: 230302.486.408

Some users had noticed scheduled emails were not sending for their reports. A fix was made to the email scheduler and user should now receive report emails as expected.

RESOLUTION:  Company/Customer record could not be created
Reference #: 230302.486.53

Some Clients received an error when adding a new company/customer record. A fix was put in place and the records are now added without error.

RESOLUTION:  Unable to add recurring Tasks on Vendor records
Reference #: 230302.588.566

Some clients received an error when attempting to set recurring tasks on Vendor records. A fix was made and now recurring tasks can be set on Vendor records as expected.

RESOLUTION:  Error trying to set Conditions on Ad-Hoc Report or Running Report
Reference #: 230302.486.548

Setting conditions on certain tables in Ad-Hoc Reports would cause an error. A fix was made and now conditions can be applied to reports as expected.

RESOLUTION:  Configuration setting was not hiding the Drag & Drop box from the page header
Reference #: 230302.570.555

The Drop Files Here box remained viewable in the top menu even if the toggle in the configuration settings was set to false. A fix was made and now the Drop Files Here box can be hidden successfully.

RESOLUTION:  Navigating to Ad-hoc Report's Field Selection edit page from side menu
Reference #: 230302.416.311

Navigating to Field Selection when editing standard Report using the side menu would cause an error. A fix was applied and now users should be able to navigate Reports using the side menu as expected.

RESOLUTION:  Graphical Dashboards not displaying as expected
Reference #: 230302.570.568

Some users were experiencing an issue with Graphical Dashboards where they would appear very skinny, which made them difficult to use. A fix was implemented so Graphical Dashboards should appear at the expected width.

RESOLUTION:  Notifications for workflows set to auto-close not sending
Reference #: 230302.362.573

Users were experiencing errors when configuring workflows with multiple tasks to auto close with no notification. An adjustment was made to the way the system handles auto closing tasks, and now these workflows should function as expected.

RESOLUTION:  Links to CobbleStone® Wiki and YouTube videos were HTTP instead of HTTPS
Reference #: 230302.570.578

Side Menu links to the Contract Insight Wiki and YouTube Videos have been updated so they use HTTPS.

RESOLUTION:  View Company Info link on Contract not showing Company Info
Reference #: 230302.588.44

It was discovered that clicking the View Company Info side menu option on Contracts was not taking users to the Company Info page. This has been resolved so the View Company Info side menu link works as expected.

RESOLUTION:  Header bar in the updated UI not displaying as expected on portrait-oriented monitors
Reference #: 230302.486.557

The main Header Bar was not displaying fully when viewed in Portrait orientation. An adjustment was made and the bar should now display correctly whether it is viewed in Portrait or Landscape orientation.

RESOLUTION:  User defined subtables display on Notification Templates
Reference #: 230302.588.598

User defined subtables were not displaying correctly on Notification Templates. A fix was made and they should now display as expected.

RESOLUTION:  Typo in error message on Company Details page
Reference #: 230302.362.639

A typo found in an error message on the Company Details page has been updated.

RESOLUTION:  View column link on Ad-Hoc Reports directed to Task and still showed when configured to hide
Reference #: 230302.570.47 and 230302.570.593

Users noted that Legacy Ad-Hoc Reports, including those on a dashboard, the View column would take them to a Task record instead of the main Record or, if configured to hide, would still be showing. This has been resolved so that, if configured, the View column takes the user to the correct record or hides if not configured.

RESOLUTION:  Cascading field not mapping to Contract from Request when field is not in the Details field group on the Contract
Reference #: 230302.486.638

A client experienced an issue where a cascading field would not map to a Contract from a Request when it was part of a Field Group. A fix was made so cascading fields map as expected, regardless of the field group they are a part of.

RESOLUTION:  Unable to rename Security Group if using traditional license key
Reference #: 230302.486.700

Systems using a traditional license key were presented with the option to rename a Security Group. This has been resolved so the Security Group can be renamed as expected.

RESOLUTION:  Details screen for user-created subtables not displaying properly when specific Application Style/Theme used
Reference #: 230302.509.572

User created subtable Details screens were not showing properly if the selected Theme was set to Grid/Table for the Screen Field Layout and Default for the Screen Theme. This has been resolved so the fields are showing properly when viewing the Details screen for a user created subtable with the affected settings.

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