22.1.0 - Module: Vendor/Client Collaboration Gateway
  • 24 Mar 2023
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22.1.0 - Module: Vendor/Client Collaboration Gateway

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Article summary

Optional Add-On Module used to extend the functionality and collaboration scope of Contract Insight by providing a dedicated gateway portal for your vendors, suppliers, providers, clients, customers, respondents, etc. to view and interact with the contracts, solicitations, etc. you have with them.


ENHANCEMENT: File Upload Prior to Completing Self Registration for the Vendor/Client Gateway        
Reference #: 220916.439.4265

System Administrators can now configure the Self-Registration for the Vendor/Client Gateway to require a file be uploaded prior to starting the self-registration form. When configured, Vendors/Clients completing the self-registration form will only be able to move forward once a file is uploaded. Note that the File Upload on the Self Registration can be configured to be required at either the beginning OR the end of the registration process and not both.

How will this affect users?
End users are not affected as only System Administrators can configure this ENHANCEMENT. 

ENHANCEMENT: Add Forgot Password Link on Vendor Client Gateway Sign-In Page
Reference #: 220916.564.4353     

The “Forgot Password” link was only visible when an incorrect password was entered. This has been updated so the link is now visible on the initial sign-in page.

How will this affect users?
End users are now able to click the Forgot Password link directly on the sign-in page without having to first enter an incorrect password to access the link.

ENHANCEMENT: Display Number of Attachments on Vendor Client Gateway Solicitation
Reference #: 220916.564.4260

Solicitation records on the Vendor/Client Gateway have been updated in several places to show the number of documents the signed-in vendor’s company has attached to the record. Vendors will notice an alert in blue at the top of the record with the count of attachments from their company, as well as at the top of the Files, Documents, Images section and at the very bottom of the Solicitation record under the Response Status section.

How will this affect users?
When a Vendor adds one or more document to a Solicitation on the Vendor/Client Gateway, an alert with the count of attachments from their company will be shown in multiple areas on the record.


RESOLUTION:  Unable to copy fields from one Vendor/Client Gateway record type to another
Reference #: 220916.509.4354

When on the Manage Gateway Fields by Type page within the Core system, attempting to copy fields from one record type to another was generating an error. This has been resolved so users with permission to perform this function can copy Gateway Fields from one record type to another as expected.

RESOLUTION: Duplicate Vendor Contact records created        
Reference #: 220916.416.4346

When registering as a Vendor through the Vendor/Client Gateway, the Primary Contact record was being created twice on the Core system’s Vendor Record. This has been resolved to ensure only one Vendor Contact is created in the Core System when registering as a Vendor through the Vendor/Client Gateway.

RESOLUTION: Receiving duplicate emails when a new Vendor/Client registers
Reference #: 220916.570.4321

When a Vendor registered through the Vendor/Client Gateway, the Core user would receive duplicate notifications stating a new Vendor registration was awaiting review. This has been resolved to only send one notification to the Core system user when a new Vendor/Client registers.

RESOLUTION: Fields changed on the Vendor/Client Gateway not reflecting correct source on the Core system record’s View History page
Reference #: 220916.509.4390

Changes made to fields by a company contact via the Vendor/Client Gateway were not logged as coming from the Vendor/Client Gateway on the View History page for the record in the Core system. This has been corrected to ensure the history log shows the source of the change as the Vendor/Client Gateway if that is where it originated.

RESOLUTION: Bid countdown clock not adjusting with Daylight Savings Time 
Reference #: 220916.416.4408

The bid countdown clock on Vendor/Client Gateway Sourcing records were not adjusting with Daylight Savings Time. This has been updated to reflect the time appropriately.

RESOLUTION: Selected Fields Not Showing on Public Contract Details Page on the Vendor/Client Gateway
Reference #: 220916.439.4509

Fields assigned to a specific Contract Type in the Core system were not reflected when viewing the Public Contract Details page in the Vendor/Client Gateway. This has been resolved to display the fields as expected.

RESOLUTION: Unable to edit the Main Menu for the Vendor/Client Gateway
Reference #: 220916.509.4575

While managing menu items in the Core system, System Administrators found that when they switched the manage menu view from Core Application to Vendor/Client Gateway they would receive an error. This has been resolved so the manage main menu for the Vendor/Client Gateway can be accessed for modifications.

RESOLUTION: Modified Subtable Name Not Appearing on Vendor/Client Gateway
Reference #: 220916.509.4514

Users found that when they updated the name of a Subtable in the Core Application, the name change was not appearing on the subtable in the Vendor/Client Gateway. This has been fixed so the modified subtable name is reflected on the Vendor/Client Gateway in addition to the Core Application.

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