17. Product Service Codes
  • 30 Jan 2024
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17. Product Service Codes

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Article summary

Product Service Codes   

Solicitations: Product Service Codes

The Solicitation record details screen allows for the setup and specification of product/service code assignment onto individual records. See the Product Service Catalog Wiki entry for more information on product/service codes. This functionality ties into product/service code assignment on vendor/customer records for vendor notification of public opportunities via product/service code matching. If changes occur within the record to product/service codes, E-Sourcing Change Notification email are sent to vendors/customers who have specified the product/service code selected.

Adding a Product Service Code

1. Navigate to the desired solicitation record.

2. Scroll down to the Sourcing Record Product Service Codes section.

3. Click Add.

User Graphic Interface  Add button on Left for Sourcing  Record Produc Services Codes


4. The Add New Sourcing Record Product Service Codes Record screen displays. Select the desired code from the Product Service Code pick-list.

5. To associate the code with the selected solicitation record, click Save & Continue. To abort the process, click Cancel. The Solicitation Details screen displays.


Editing a Product Service Code

1. Click View for the desired Product Service Code line item.

Graphic User Interface -  Sourcing Record product Services Codes table - View Producst service code page


2. Click the pencil icon () for the field or field group to alter.

User Graphic Interface - Product Service code view, Pencil Icon to Edit Details


3. An edit record pop-up window displays.

4. Change the value as necessary.

5. Click Save Record.

Graphical user interface, text  Description automatically generated


Deleting a Product Service Code from a Record

1. As above, click View for the desired Product Service Code line item.

2. On the Record Details: Sourcing Record Product Service Codes screen’s side menu, click Delete Record.

3. Click Yes, delete it to conUser Graphic interface Sourcing Record Product Service Codes option to Delete the Recordfirm or No, cancel the delete to reject the removal.

Graphic User interface - option to confirm the deletion of ths record or cancel the deletion 

Note: When Product Service Codes are added/altered, a Change Notification Email is prepared.






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