05. Product Service Codes
  • 30 Jan 2024
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05. Product Service Codes

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Article summary

05. Product Service Codes 

Vendor/Customer Management: Product Service Codes

The Vendor/Customer record details screen allows for the setup and specification of product/service code assignment onto individual records. See the Product Service Catalog Wiki entry for more information on product/service codes. This functionality ties into CobbleStone®’s optional eSourcing add-on module for vendor notification of public opportunities via the Vendor/Client Collaboration Gateway.

Adding a Product Service Code

1. Navigate to the desired client/vendor record.

2. Scroll down to the Vendor Product Service Codes section of the record.

3. Click Add.

Click Add for Vendor Commodity Codes

4. The Add New Vendor Product Service Codes Record screen displays. Select the desired code from the Product Service Code pick-list.

5. To associate the code with the selected vendor record, click Save & Continue. To abort the process, click Cancel. The Company Details screen displays.

Add Screen for Vendor Commodity Codes

Editing a Product Service Code

1. Click View for the desired Product Service Code line item.

Click View to edit line item

2. Click the pencil icon (Click Pencil icon to edit field) for the field or field group to alter.

Click Pencil icon to edit field

3. An edit record pop-up window displays.

4. Change the value as necessary.

5. Click Save Record.

Product Service Code Field Editing

Deleting a Product Service Code from a Record

1. As above, click View for the desired Product Service Code line item.

2. On the Record Details: Vendor Product Service Codes screen’s side menu, click Delete Record.

3. Click Yes, delete it to confirm or No, cancel the delete to reject the removal.

Click Delete Record to remove Commodity

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